11 月 17 日星期三,欧盟委员会提出了三项新的监管举措,作为欧洲绿色协议的一部分。在这些举措中,委员会发布了一项打击进口森林砍伐的法规草案。与法国打击进口森林砍伐国家战略 (SNDI) 一样,该法规草案将适用于牛肉、可可豆、咖啡、棕榈油、大豆以及木材和木材产品。该法规草案随后将在欧盟立法机构进行辩论和表决。
全新的更新后木材贸易门户网站 (Timber Trade Portal)!
木材贸易门户网站拥有全新的更新后网站,其所有内容现在也有中文版本。在国际热带木材组织 (ITTO)的支持下,Form International 和 ATIBT 共同创建了一个更具活力的用户友好型网站,以更好地支持木材进口商履行其尽职调查义务。
新的 TTP 网站还包括木材生产国的六个新国家概况,以及介绍其他资源的页面。TTP 目前共有 29 个国家概况和关于木材合法性的资源,有三种语言版本:英语、法语和中文。
ClientEarth 是一个利用法律的力量来保护地球资源和人民的环保组织。该组织积极参与森林保护,并寻求制定更强有力的法律和政策来制止非法木材贸易造成的森林砍伐,保护野生动植物并确保森林社区的权利。ClientEarth 通过与 50 多个国家/地区的跨国界、跨系统、跨部门的合作来实现这一目标。
木材贸易门户网站 (Timber Trade Portal) 的全新伙伴关系!
国际热带木材组织 (ITTO)、Form International 以及国际热带木材技术协会 (ATIBT) 在 2021 年 3 月 8 日签署了一份有关扩展和改进 木材贸易门户网站 (TTP) 的最新协议。
ATIBT(国际热带木材技术协会)和 Preferred by Nature 即将举办关于在符合 EUTR 的尽职调查系统中使用森林认证的联合网络研讨会。本次研讨会是 2 月/3 月介绍 EUTR 概况的研讨会的补充。本次附加会议旨在详细介绍森林认证在尽职调查系统中作为有效工具的用途,以便降低违法风险。
木材贸易门户网站 (Timber Trade Portal) 已更新,且现已提供法语版本!
For the second time after its launch in 2016 the Timber Trade Portal has updated its country profiles and other background information. Each profile provides extensive country specific information on both timber industry and related timber legislation. The complete Timber Trade Portal is now also available in French for our francophone readers.
The republic of Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) definitively adopted law n° 33-2020 on a new forest code on July 8, 2020. This new law is under discussion since 2018 and was still under debate in the National Assembly in April 2020. The new forest code introduces new concepts like certification, verification of legality, consideration of riversides communities, deforestation and reforestation, the fight against climate change, carbon credits, etc.
Vietnam’s National Assembly ratified a free trade agreement with the European Union on Monday 8 June 2020. This will have a significant impact on the development of the timber export industry and provides Vietnam with an incentive to implement its timber legality assurance system.
In April 2020, the Committee of Natural Resources, Property and Land Regulations in the Duma (the Parliament of Russia) proposed an innovative bill intended "to make the forest industry absolutely transparent”, according to Deputy Chairman Nikolay Nikolaev. The move aims to improve regulations related to the timber trade, and to tackle wood trafficking, but it also affects aspects of forest control. Public discussion of the proposal was initiated earlier in February.
The Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) recently published the Technical Note N° 04/2020 that offers detailed guidance on authorizations and mandatory licenses for the export of timber and timber products. Through this new Technical Note, IBAMA demonstrates environmental control throughout the whole supply chain of timber and timber products.