• 泰国


Documents at company level

  Key document Explanation Validity Legal authority Relevant section of the EUTR
Legal registration Ror Ngor 4 (Factory license) Permission of factory establishment. Until the termination of business Department of industrial works

Trade and transport

Tax, fees and royalties Receipt of permit fee To receive a permit for establishment of a trading place, an applicant must pay a fee. A competent officer issues a receipt to a permit holder (operator) and keeps a stub of it. A permit for establishment of trading place indicates that the fee was paid. The permit is valid for 1 year Inside Bangkok: RFD officer Outside Bangkok: PONRE officer

Trade and transport

  Receipt of export duty payment Before inspection and release of cargo, an exporter has paid duties on exporting goods.   Thai Customs Department

Trade and transport

Processing Wood Factory license A person trading processed timber and/or a timber product made from restricted species, holds a trading place permit. For trading of processed timber: Permit on establishment of trading place (except for trading a timber within the same location as processing factory or processing place and trading a processed timber under the Plantation Act). 1 year Inside Bangkok: RFD director general Outside Bangkok: provincial governor
  Timber trade license A person trading processed timber and/or a timber product made from restricted species, holds a trading place permit. For timber product derived from restricted species: Permit on establishment of timber product trading place. 1 year Inside Bangkok: RFD director general Outside Bangkok: provincial governor

Trade and transport

  Recordkeeping books A person trading processed timber and/or a timber product made from restricted species, prepares updated recordkeeping books.   Inside Bangkok: RFD director general Outside Bangkok: provincial governor

Trade and transport

Documents at product level (Chain of Custody)

  Key document Explanation Validity Legal authority Relevant section of the EUTR
Transport / Trade / Export Ror Mor 8 Letter of certification for trade and export of timber, wood products and charcoal (except for rubber). This is needed to obtain Or.2. RFD Director general

Trade and transport

  Invoice and packing list Copy of invoice and copy of packing list (if any). Exporter

Trade and transport

  Or.2 Export permit. To obtain the permit, a Ror Mor 8 must be submitted. Department of Foreign Trade (DFT)

Trade and transport

  Phytosanitary certificate In cases where the species of wood is specified in Appendix ll of CITES.  It must be granted Letter of export permission before being exported. The Department of Agriculture

Trade and transport