• Republic of Côte d'Ivoire

Overview of timber sector of Republic of Côte d'Ivoire

Supply chain actors

The forest industry of the country is composed of several hundred small processing units, and there are only a few big enterprises. A large part of the industry is foreign owned. - Learn more about the forestry sector in Côte d'Ivoire.(FR)

Production and processing

Main harvested species

Rank (in descending order) of the 20 most profitable species as of 2019 (MINEF - DPIF, 2019):

  • Dabema (Piptadeniastrum africanum)
  • Samba (Triplochiton scleroxylon)
  • Gmelina (Gmelina arborea)
  • Iroko (Miliciaexcelsa, Milicia regia)
  • Cedrela (Cedrela odorata)
  • Azobe (Lophiraalata)
  • Frake (Terminalia superba)
  • Teak (Tectonagrandis)
  • Framiré (Terminalia ivorensis)
  • Niangon (Heritiera spp.)
  • Lingué (Afzelia africana)
  • Tiama (Entandrophragma angolense)
  • Tali (Erythrophleum ivorense)
  • Mahogany (Khaya ivorensis)
  • Ako (Antiaris Africana)
  • Koto (Pterygota macrocarpa)
  • Iantaza (Albizia ferruginea)
  • Limbali (Gilbertiodendron dewevrei)
  • Aniegre (Aningeria altissima)
  •  Sipo (Useful Entandrophragma)
Côte d’Ivoire has engaged in reforestation to increase the presence of teak (Tectonagrandis), framiré (Terminalia ivorensis) and gmelina (Gmelina arborea), although many other species are also planted such as Spanish cedar (Cedrela odorata).


The main products exported from Côte d’Ivoire are flooring, logs from planted forests, mouldings, particle boards, plywood, sawn wood, and veneer.

In 2019, out of a total of 40 exotic and local forest species that were exported in the form of fresh and dried sawn timber between 1 January 2019 and 30 September 2019, Dabema ranks first (for the past 5 years) with a volume of 9,189.32 m3 followed by Samba, Gmelina, Iroko and cedrela (7,723.71 m3, 5,888 m3, 4,927.12 m3 and 4,642.75 m3, respectively). Gmelina, Teak and Linguese were exported mainly to the Asian market, with Gmelina leading the pack. In 2019, Iroko lost its second place position to Samba. Moreover, it should be noted that importers' preference for Dabema is due to its characteristics, which are highly similar to those of Iroko (resistant to mushrooms and termites), while offering a very attractive market value. The Ivorian forests abound with many species that are not well known and therefore not highly valued. In order to meet the needs of areas above the 8th parallel, the Ministry of Water and Forests places special emphasis on this fact, notably by promoting alternative species. 

Timber export Republic of the Congo

Logistics infrastructure

Typically, wood is transported from the regions in which it grows to the port of Abidjan in the East, where the vast bulk of wood-based manufacturing takes place, or to the port of San Pedro in the West. 

Data table

(X 1000m3)
(X 1000m3)
Domestic consumption
(X 1000m3)
(X 1000m3)
logs 2.418 1 2.388 28
Sawnwood 873 0 747 127
Veneer 245 0 148 97
Plywood 106 4 77 33

ITTO (2019), data 2017