• Myanmar

Other indicators for legal timber trade of Myanmar

Corruption Perception Index



A country's score indicates the perceived level of public sector corruption on a scale of 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean).
Source: Transparency International


Bans & quota

  • 2016-2026: 10-year logging moratorium in Bago Yoma region
  • 2018: Reduced harvest prescribed by FD (39% of AAC for teak - 19,210 trees. 27% of AAC for hardwoods - 592,330 trees).
  • 2017: Ban on exporting confiscated Timber; Ban on exporting timber from conversion & conflict area; Chain saw import restrictions.
  • 2014: Log Export Ban starting from 1st April 2014.  Note: logs, posts and poles from private plantations are allowed for export effectively from June 2019.

CITES and protected species

There are some tree species listed on CITES Appendix II from Myanmar:

  • Himalayan yew (Taxus wallichiana). The CITES listing applies to all parts and derivatives except: seeds and pollen; and finished products packaged and ready for retail trade.
  • Serpentine wood (Rauvolfia serpentine). The CITES listing applies to all parts and derivatives except: seeds and pollen; and finished products packaged and ready for retail trade.
  • Dalbergia (except if already listed under CITES Appendix I) was added under the CITES Appendix II on 7th November, 2016. It was effective from 4th January 2017.

National action on timber legality


Myanmar joined the FLEGT process programme in 2014, and officially entered the preparation stage in the beginning of 2015. A FLEGT Interim Task Force (ITF) has been set up and is currently transitioning towards a multi- stakeholder group (MSG).

Myanmar REDD+

In 2011, Myanmar joined the UN-REDD Programme (United Nations collaborative initiative on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in developing countries). Myanmar has since (2015) submitted related plans at the twelfth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD COP12).


Third party certification

Currently, Myanmar does not have any internationally recognised forest certification standard, such as through the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) or Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). However, in collaboration with PEFC, MFCC is finalising the Myanmar Forest Certification Scheme that aims to deliver a PEFC endorsed Myanmar Standard.

As of 30th May 2019 PEFC announced Myanmar Forest Certification Committee as a member of PEFC.

To support third party access and transparency, in 2018 MTE gave official permission for registered 3rd Party Certification Bodies and direct buyers to access forest extraction areas.