• Colombia

Sources of information and contacts in Colombia's forestry sector

sources of Information

Studies and documents

  • BOHÓRQUEZ, N.; PULIDO, L.; REVUELTAS, O.,2021. Pacto Intersectorial por la Madera Legal en Colombia un referente histórico, Bogotá. 64p.
  • CITES, 2021 Species+ (speciesplus.net)
  • FAO – FRA Platform - FRA platform (fao.org)
  • FAO, MADS & IDEAM, 2018. Caracterización de las principales causas agentes de la deforestación a nivel nacional. Período 2005-2015. Bogotá, Colombia. 244p.
  • FAO (2020a). Global Forest Ressources Assessment – Global Forest Ressources Assessment 2020 pdf (fao.org)
  • FAO (2020b). Evaluación de los recursos forestales mundiales 2020. Informe – Colombia.
  • FAO (2021). Global Forest Resources Assessment – Colombia.
  • FLEGT Program - http://www.fao.org/forestry/eu-flegt/82580/en/
  • GFI (2021). Trade Misinvoicing and Exports of Tropical Timber from Colombia. Out of The Woods. 29p.
  • FSC, 2021 Facts & Figures | Forest Stewardship Council (fsc.org)
  • GUAUQUE, JOSÉ OMAR. 2009. Reseña histórica de la actividad forestal en la región Pacífico y la participación de ingenieros con énfasis en las décadas de los 60´s y 70´s. En: En: Historia y Aportes de la Ingeniería Forestal en Colombia. Volumen I. Asociación Colombiana de Ingenieros Forestales (ACIF). Bogotá, Colombia.
  • IDEAM – http://www.ideam.gov.co/
  • IDEAM, 2010. Informe Anual sobre el Estado del Medio Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales Renovables en Colombia: Bosques 2009. Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales, Bogotá DC, Colombia.
  • IDEAM, 2015. Subdirección de Ecosistemas e Información Ambiental. Grupo de Bosques 2015. Proyecto Sistema de Monitoreo de Bosques y Carbono. Bogotá, D. C., Colombia.
  • IDEAM, INVEMAR, SINCHI, IIAP, IAvH., 2016. Informe del Estado del Medio Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales 2015. Documento Síntesis. Bogotá, D.C., 2017. 75p.
  • International Trade Center (ITC) - ITC (intracen.org)

ALL Contacts

Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural

Avenida Kimenez No.7A-17 Bogotá
Tel: +57 (1) 254 33 00
Página Principal Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural (minagricultura.gov.co)

Public entity with the objective to formulate, coordinate and evaluate inclusive public agricultural policies that promote the competitive, equitable and sustainable development of the agricultural, livestock, fishing and forestry sectors.

Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia

Calle 74 No.11-81 Bogotá
657 (1) 353 24 00
Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas – SINAP | Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia

Service in charge of the administration and the management of the areas under the responsibility of the National Natural Parks and to coordinate Colombia’s National System of Protected Areas (SINAP).

Corporación Autónoma Regional DE Risaralda (CARDER)

Avenida de las Amercias No.46-40 Pereire, Risalda
+57 (6) 311 65 11

Public corporate body with the objective to manage the environment and renewable natural resources in the Department of Risaralda and to promote their sustainable development, in accordance with the legal provisions and the policies of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.

Corporación Regional y Autonómica para el desarrollo sostenible (CAR)

Corporaciones Autónomas Regionales | Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (minambiente.gov.co)

The Regional Autonomous and Sustainable Development Corporations (CARs) are public corporate bodies, made up of territorial entities, charged by law with managing -within the area of their jurisdiction- the environment and renewable natural resources, and promoting the sustainable development of the country.

FEDEMADERAS – Federación Nacional de Industriales de la Madera

Calle 61 No.5-05 Bogota
+57 (1) 249 40 51
FEDEMADERAS | Federación Nacional de Industriales de la Madera

Federation that represents the forestry, wood and furniture sector in Colombia, linking its different actors (entrepreneurs, producers, processors, among others).

Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)

Calle 25D No.96B110911 Bogotá
+57 (1) 352 7160

Public institution with the objective of providing technical and scientific support to the National Environmental System.

Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible

Calle 37 No.8-40  
Tel: +57 3102213891

Public entity in charge of defining national environmental policy and promoting the recovery, conservation, protection, planning, management, use and exploitation of renewable natural resources, to ensure sustainable development and guarantee the right of all citizens to enjoy and inherit a healthy environment.

Sistema de Información Sanitaria para Importación y Exportación de Productos Agrícolas y Pecuarios (SISPAP)

Carrera 68A No. 24B-10 Edificio Plaza Claro – Tore 3
+57 (1) 756 30 30

A tool that provides information and allows direct participation in the process of importing and exporting agricultural and livestock equipment to and from Colombia. Need to apply with the ICA for a phytosanitary export certificate.

Ventanilla Única de Comercio Exterior

Calle 28 No.13A-15 Bogotá
+57 (1) 606 76 76

The country's main trade facilitation tool.

WWF Colombia – Fundo Mundial para la Naturaleza

Carrera 10A No.69A-44 Bogotá
+57 (1) 443 15 50

Country office of WWF - Nature conservation organization whose actions are based on 6 major objectives: species, forests, oceans, freshwater, food and, climate and energy.